The Team
Who We Are

Bryndis S Friðgeirsdóttir
Learning and innovation specialist
Has a strong background in institutional innovation with a focus on Education both on how to get students to learn innovation/entrepreneurial programs and how school/teacher l can be more innovative in their approach and teaching methods.
Bryndis S is an education expert for FAB LAB Reykjavik and is a specialist for FB vocational colleges
Has taken part in educational research project :
Erasmus plus
Bio baist education
Best practices in european Adult education
Hörður Sveinsson
Senior RD&I consultant
Has a background in commercial innovation and research projects. With a focus on user / customer focused innovation and business and risk management on research and development in innovation projects.
Hörður is a specialist for green innovation using mycelium in CoE BBE project
Has taken part in research and innovation project
Wind and snow load recherch on temporary housing elements
Business analysation on sustainable packaging factory in iceland
Ræsing skagafjarðar
Finalist in a innovation competition for skagafjörður municipality
Research into the viability of industrialisation of mycelium as a material

Bryndís G Björgvinsdóttir
Education and mixed art specialist
Has a background in education from primary school to university with focus on teaching innovation, design and creativity. With focus on the student and how to open creative blocks in students and foster innovation, design and creativity in students with different art and design mediums.
Bryndis G runs courses and workshops with in various educational institution
Erasmus plus