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Hönnunarhugsunar miðuð nýsköpun 

We have experience and knowledge in helping companies and organizations to carry out userfocus and green innovation.

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Við erum Nýlausn.

The Nýlausn team focuses on solution based thinking with partners to further their project relating to innovation, research, design, education and knowledge sharing.

Nýlausn is a design thinking driven company that handles product and service development as well as imparting creative knowledge and work practices.​ We support and encourage sustainable development at operating units. Helping to define, identify and create an innovation strategy by understanding challenges. Working toward creating a solution that suits your organisation by identifying problem areas as accurately as possible and enables decisive action.

We have a great team that collectively has great knowledge, as well as having a big network of specialist that we could add to the team if needed. Working with individuals, large and small companies as well as institutions with development, innovation, and identifying problem areas as accurately as possible and enables decisive actions.

We aim to be the place for everyone who is thinking about going on this fun and innovative road trip.

Sjálfbær Nýsköpun

Það sem er við erum að vinna að núna:

Umhverfisvæna fiskikassa 

unna úr lífrænu og umhverfisvænu efni til að leysa af kassa úr frauðplasti. 

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Samstafs aðila



Við útvegum Nýsköpunar stjóra fyrir tímabundin verkefni.


Aðstoðum við að skilgreina og skapa nýskpöunarstefnu.


Við greinum og skiljum vandan til að búa til lausn sem hentað þinni starfsemi.


Sköpum arfbærastar leiðnir og virði fyrir notendur og rekstrareiniguna.

Við aðstoðum þig við


Samstafs- og styrktaraðilar

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Hafa samband:

Takk fyrir !

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